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Frequently asked questions
Want to know more? Send us a message to contact@onlychefs.fr
What is OnlyChefs?
Onlychefs is an innovative platform dedicated to the culinary world, which allows you to offer your exclusive content and recipes to your biggest fans.
What content do I need to provide?
You add your recipe videos (with or without sound) and OnlyChefs automatically generates ingredients, utensils and recipe steps that you will be free to modify to your liking.
You are free to the frequency of publication and the format. You remain fully the owner of your content.
How often and how do I get paid?
You receive 80% of the revenue generated in your bank account every month, depending on the number of subscribers.
How long is it going to take me?
Create your OnlyChefs account with its exclusive catalog of recipes: 10 minutes with your available videos
Setting up your Stripe account to monetize and receive monthly income: 20 minutes
Communicate with your biggest fans by sharing my OnlyChefs link: it's up to you to play!
Is there the intervention of an algorithm on the platform?
No algorithm is going to put content creators forward or in competition.
And my international fans?
Our application automatically translates content, recipes, and exchanges according to the user's language.